According to World 2015-2019, Kenya is the fastest growing economy in the Sub-Saharan Africa but still faces key development challenges. Most Kenyan households use pit latrines without a slab according to BMC public health. This means that sewage treatment is low and pauses danger to the environment. Increased urbanization renders a need for proper wastewater and sewage management systems.
Biodigester septic tanks are wastewater and sewage management systems for households, commercial and industrial buildings. Bio Tank Africa has designed a modern Biotankbiodigester that decomposes and treats the wastewater and also enables recycling of the water. Human waste pauses danger of causing illness, environmental pollution as well as the greenhouse effect. Biotank Biodigesters are friendly to the environment and help protect the surroundings.
Benefits of Biotank Biodigester
1. Friendly price
The Biotank Biodigester price in Kenya is KES 55000. This is way cheaper than traditional septic tanks. The materials, excavation and labor required for septic tanks is not affordable to many. Biotank biodigesters are easy to install and require half the raw materials hence more affordable.
2. Zero to minimum maintenance costs
The Biotank Biodigesters do not require exhaustion services every other time like traditional septic tanks. Septic tanks are prone to filling up especially in commercial use hence the need of exhaustion services. Decomposition, treatment and recycling of the water enables the Biotank Digester not to fiil up.
3. Friendly to the environment
The Biotank Biodigester is designed to be ecofriendly unlike traditionally septic tanks. Septic Tanks are prone to filling up and spilling into the surrounding which can be hazardous. Biotank biodigester are not prone to bad smell as all waste is treated.
4. Durability
The Biotank Biodigester has a long-life span of 50 years. This is because Biotank biodigesters have excellent waterproofing as compared to traditional septic tanks. All Biotank Biodigestersare also are standardized and pass the quality control test from the factory.
5. Effective and efficient
The Biotank Biodigester is innovative as it has 3 chambers as compared to the single c. This increases the efficacy of the Biotank Biodigester as compared to other septic tanks. Once installed the Biotank Biodigester is ready to use as no time is required for curing.
Types of the Bio Tank Africa Biodigester
Bio Tank Africa biodigesters can be classified into aerobic and anaerobic biodigesters. Aerobic digesters use oxygen to breakdown human waste to produce sludge, gas and water which then treated. Gas produced from aerobic biodigesters is not used for biogas but is slowly released into the atmosphere. Anaerobic biodigesters on the other hand do not require oxygen to breakdown waste and are used mostly used in farms to produce biogas. The anaerobic biodigesters are tightly sealed so that no air gets into the tank. Bio Tank Africa has two structural designs for their biodigesters:
1. Concrete Biodigester

The Bio Tank Africa concrete biodigester is made from concrete and serves large, medium and small-scale users. The concrete biodigester is slightly expensive than the BiotankBiodigester. Bio Tank Africa concrete biodigesters have been installed in estates and commercial buildings country wide.
2. Biotank Biodigester
The Biotank Biodigester is a plastic model innovated by Bio Tank Africa. It is designed for medium to small scale-users. The Biotank Biodigester is ready made from the factory and is cheaper to install. Bio Tank Africa are the main suppliers of the Biotank Biodigester which has proven to be an affordable solution for managing waste in Kenya and Africa.
Construction of a Biodigester Septic Tank in Kenya
How deep is a biodigester septic tank one may ask? Unlike traditional septic tanks thedimensions of Bio Tank Africa Biodigester Septic Tanks are custom fit according to the number of users and the amount of waste disposed. The installation of Bio Tank Africa Biodigester Septic Tank is down underground with a maximum of seven inches above the ground as per the required recommendations. The Biotank Biodigester Septic is less work intensive, cheaper and requires minimal space. Bio Tank Africa ensures seamless integration of the wastewater and sewage system into the structural design of a construction plan.

‘’I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone to create many ripples’’
~ Mother Teresa
Biodigesters Septic tanks are the solution to the growing population in Kenya. Bio Tank Africa vision is to bridge this gap by availing affordable Biotank Biodigesters.
Biodigesters have become quite the topic. If you have not yet heard about them you are not too late to the party. But are Biodigesters what they promise they are or are they a passing whim? Bio Tank Africa discusses what the Biotank Biodigesters have to offer in Kenya.
It seems you can provide a relatively cheaper solution to my problem
Kindly give me the quatation
Hello Wamalwa & apologies for the late reply. Yes we do have affordable biodigester systems. Where’s your project located and is it commercial or residential?
Kindly get in touch with us on +254798216606/+254707752508 we discuss your project in detail.
Hello? Do you have small bio tanks for single family use? If so,how much? Am interested please
Yes we do have domestic size biotank system. Currently it costs KES 39500/- including the enzymes. For more information call us on +254707752508/+254798216606.
Need plastic biogas in Kakamega
What is price and how long will take to operate
Our biotank biodigester system is specifically for domestic sewerage management only. Are you currently building a house?
Need plastic biogas in Kakamega
What is price and how long will take to operate
Unfortunately we don’t deal with biogas systems, our biotank system is for domestic sewerage management needs only. Are you currently putting up a house?